Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Class Evaluation

1. I liked the spreadhseet work.
2. I didn't really like the studenht success statements and the example, they were difficult to write at times.
3. I think this class should put more emphasis on how to fix simple computer issues. I fele like a lot of people don't know and it is really useful information. Especially when computers will always be buggy and we will use them for basically the rest of our lives.
4. I wouldn't say I do it everyday but I like to see what my goals are once in a while. It helps me understand how to prioritize certain things I want to do. Reviewing my goals journal helped me have clear vision of my future goals and reminded how much I have to work to get there.
5. Yes I am commited to being a CTR person 24/7. Everyday I try my best to be conscious of my decisions. And I understand how great and important choosing the right is. I'm certain I will be CTR for the rest of my life.
6. I learned the importance of typing correctly and I will recommend certain websites that helped me personally with typing. I think I will also share with other how great being a CTR person is and how great it goes for their life.
7. I will always remember the student success statements and the video on the cowboy helping the person who got their bike stolen. I will also always remember the Indian and the Snake. It was a great metaphor and an interesting video.

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