Monday, May 21, 2018

Student Success Statement 5.21.18

"When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive." -Alon Paton

I think sometimes the only choice you have to make to get over it is to forgive them. Other times I think the case is variable. Forgiveness will always be a choice up to you. It doesn't matter whether you do or not but it's a matter of acknowledging a wrong was done to you and being able to be upfront and forgive. I don't think you need to fogive people though. Sometimes it isn't enough and it's a matter of you reacting to it and being understanding of yourself in the situation. The other person in question can do things that are unreasonable and there's no point in forgiving because the hurt will always be with you because it just had to be you that it happened to. Regarding forgiveness I had a powerpoint due the next day and I had a test that same day. I had finished my part of the powerpoint and I was texting my friend about when he was gonna finish it. He said he'll get to it and I was telling him about a test I was studying for and how I was gonna studying pretty late so if he needed any help that ill still be available. So I'm trying to finish the study guide packet when he texts me saying he does not wish to finish the powerpoint because he was going through something and my immediate reaction was that i was angry and i hated him for doing that so suddenly and I was almost in tears because I was so tired and I still had to study. I think about it for a little more and I start relaxing and I respond telling him that I'm sorry he feels that way and that he needs to focus on his mental health.

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